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Finland: PhD position in Computational Physics and Inverse Problems Research Group

PREpare Overseas

Nov 2, 2023

DEADLINE: November 17, 2023

The University of Eastern Finland is inviting applications for two Doctoral Researcher (PhD student) positions in Computational Physics and Inverse Problems Research Group at the Department of Technical Physics on the Kuopio campus. The position will be filled for a fixed term from 1 January 2024 (or starting date as agreed) to 31 December 2025. 


  • A person to be appointed as a Doctoral Researcher shall be qualified to pursue postgraduate studies.

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in physics, engineering, computer science or applied mathematics. Candidates who are currently completing or have recently completed a higher university degree are invited to apply.

  • Potential candidates should have a good command of the English language (work language: English).

The following will be considered an advantage:

  • Experience in inverse problems, mathematical modeling and related numerical methods.

  • Strong interest in interdisciplinary scientific work (shown by a motivation letter).

  • Programming skills with Matlab, C/C++ or Python.

How to apply?

Submit your application by using our electronic application form no later than 17 November 2023 by 24:00 (midnight) Finnish time (UTC+3).

Please note that you must include the following appendices in your application:

  • CV (, but also other styles will be accepted).

  • List of publications, if applicable.

  • Copies of your academic degree certificates/diplomas, and copies of certificates/diplomas relating to your language proficiency, if not indicated in the academic degree certificates/diplomas.

  • A transcript of records.

  • A motivation letter (max. 2 pages), including the preferred project(s) and names and contact information of two referees.

  • Other documents you wish to include to demonstrate your merits for the position (maximum 3 pages). Do not attach MSc/BSc thesis PDF files, provide a link to them in your CV (if applicable).

For more details check the link provided:

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Level of Education

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