PREpare Overseas
Nov 22, 2023
DEADLINE: December 10, 2023
The Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, School of Forest Sciences
The University of Eastern Finland is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher/Project Researcher in Computer Science/Remote Sensing and Global Change on the Joensuu campus. The position will be filled for fixed term from 1 January 2024 (or as agreed).
Please find more information below and submit your application by 10 December 2023.
Role and salary
We seek a postdoctoral researcher/project researcher with a strong technical background in computer science or remote sensing to work on global tree mortality within the ERC Starting Grant-funded project entitled “Environmental thresholds for drought- and heat-related tree mortality (DRYTREE)”. DRYTREE is an ambitious interdisciplinary project that aims to increase understanding of the effects of climate change on forests by combining remote sensing, ecophysiology, forest ecology and forest entomology. The project can greatly impact policies and forest management practices to increase forest resilience in a changing climate.
The main responsibilities of Postdoctoral Researcher/Project Researcher include developing pattern-recognition algorithms and using remote sensing tools for mapping tree mortality within Europe and the US using aerial imagery. The responsibilities include co-supervision of PhD students and publishing research articles within a highly multidisciplinary research team. We expect experience in image analysis using convolutional neural networks, high-performance computing (Center of Super Computing, CSC, services are used) and handling large amounts of data. Experience in forest ecology, ecophysiology or global ecology is appreciated. We encourage applicants of all backgrounds and experiences to apply.
We offer an inclusive working environment with the possibility of collaborating with some of the world's leading experts in tree mortality and access to national research infrastructures (e.g., HPC and remote sensing data). We offer the possibility to learn and conduct highly impactful research in an interdisciplinary team towards saving the World’s forests. The position includes funding for travel to conferences and short-term visits abroad (1-3 months, e.g., University of Copenhagen).
The position will be filled from 1 of January, 2024 (or as agreed) for the period of three years. The position will be filled for a fixed term due to it pertaining to a specific project DRYTREE. A probationary period is applied to all new members of the staff. The application process includes an interview and a psychological/applicability test for the top applicants.
The salary of the position is determined in accordance with the salary system of the Finnish universities. The salary comprises two components: a job requirement component and a personal performance component. In this position, the job requirement component is 3 150,54 euros/month, based on level 5 of the job requirement chart for teaching and research staff. The personal performance component can be a minimum of 6 % and a maximum of 50 % of the above-mentioned sum. Depending on the personal performance component, the estimated salary will be EUR 3 657 – 3 846/month at the beginning of the employment relationship.
Our requirements and expectations
The person to be appointed to the position shall hold a suitable doctoral degree. A PhD in environmental or computer science or a related field (e.g., forest science, remote sensing, geography, computational ecology).
The person appointed to the postdoctoral researcher is required to hold a doctoral degree, which may not have been completed more than five years ago at the time of accepting the position. (In this context, the 5 years refer to a net period of time, which does not include maternity leaves, parental leaves, or military service, etc.). If the person to be appointed has received a doctoral researcher more than five years ago, the position will be filled as a project researcher.
A good command in written and spoken English language.
The following will be considered an advantage:
Excellent skills in handling geospatial data, such as remote sensing data.
Experience in image analysis using convolutional neural networks, high-performance computing (Center of Super Computing, CSC, services are used) and handling large amounts of data.
Experience in forest ecology, ecophysiology or global ecology.
Experience in Python, R.
Experience in developing deep learning algorithms.
Independence in developing as a researcher.
How to apply?
Submit your application by using our electronic application form no later than 10 December 2023 by 24:00 (midnight) Finnish time (UTC+2).
Please note that you must include the following appendices in your application
CV (https://tenk.fi/en/advice-and-materials/template-researchers-curriculum-vitae).
A list of publications (https://www.aka.fi/en/research-funding/apply-for-funding/how-to-apply-for-funding/az-index-of-application-guidelines2/list-of-publications/).
Copies of your academic degree certificates / diplomas, and copies of certificates / diplomas. relating to your language proficiency, if not indicated in the academic degree certificates/diplomas.
Motivational letter.
Other documents you wish to include to demonstrate your merits for the position.
More information can be checked on the link: