PREpare Overseas
Nov 11, 2023
DEADLINE: November 30, 2023
Your tasks
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate interested in behavioural ecology. The aims of the DFG-funded PhD project are to further illuminate determinants and consequences of individual variation in landscapes of fear. Using small mammals (voles and mice) as the main study species, the successful candidate will further develop and perform experiments in the laboratory and under near natural conditions. Specifically, we aim to test whether and how individuals mitigate the costs of fear during foraging and whether and how individual differences in perceived predation risk are related to animal personality and copying styles. Further, we will experimentally test the consequences of among-individual variation in the landscape of fear related to biodiversity at the resource level. The successful candidate will be involved in all stages of the scientific method, including experimental design, project coordination, data collection and analyses, collaboration with other researchers, and the delivery of results to the research communityvia talks and poster presentations and writing of scientific publications for peer-reviewed journals. This position is tied to working towards a doctorate.
Please send your application, in English, by email, including the following documents: cover letter, curriculum vitae including – if available – a list of publications and presentations at scientific conferences, a letter of motivation (maximum two pages) including your research interests and experiences relevant to the position, certificates and affiliations of two academic references) all combined into one PDF file (max. size 5 MB) by 30 November 2023 to ethologie@uni-muenster.de (Subject line: PhD position). The application documents will be deleted six months after the application process is completed.
More information can be checked on the link: