PREpare Overseas
Oct 8, 2023
FOR INDIAN RESIDENTS These competitive scholarships are funded by the U.S. State Department to support English language teaching around the world. These competitive scholarships are funded by the U.S. State Department to support English language teaching around the world. DEADLINE: October 24, 2023.
The Online Professional English Network (OPEN) courses are intensive, post-graduate level professional development opportunities for English language teaching professionals and are developed and facilitated by U.S. universities.
Important Dates and Details
Application Deadline: October 24, 2023
Deadline for selected participants to register in the OPEN Portal: November 1, 2023
Course Orientation: December 4-29, 2023
Course Dates: January 9, 2024 – March 4, 2024
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible candidates should be highly motivated teachers or teacher trainers who are both dedicated to their own professional development and willing to share their knowledge with colleagues. Qualified candidates must:
Be a citizen of and live in India at the time of the course.
Not have dual citizenship with the United States.
Be able to complete advanced academic work in English (CEFR Level B2) and be familiar with English language teaching terminology.
Have at least eight to ten hours per week for coursework.
Have reliable internet access four to five times per week, on a computer or smartphone.
Have basic technology skills related to creating usernames and passwords to log into secure websites, using email, searching the internet, and downloading, creating, and uploading files in formats such as Word, Excel, PDF.
Be able to type in English to participate in online discussions and submit original written assignments to strict deadlines.
How to Succeed in this Course
If your application is successful, and you are nominated for a course; you will receive an invitation to register and attend a webinar about the course orientation November 8, 2023. This webinar is important for your success on this course. We also recommend that you watch this recorded webinar as soon as possible: https://www.openenglishprograms.org/nomineewebinar. This will help you prepare for participation in the live webinar, including identifying questions that you may like to ask.
Important Note
This course requires up to ten hours work every week.
Please register only if you believe you will complete the course within stipulated deadline.
Participants who do not complete a course are not offered a second scholarship.
If your work or personal situation mean that you do not have time this term, please let me know and I will be able to invite you to a future course.
Application link
Apply for this scholarship by submitting this application form by October 24, 2023: https://forms.gle/Jbo8YWV1sZcbutux9
More Information can be found on the website